Lately I’ve been asking myself where to find happiness. It’s been so surprising to me to realise that it’s actually very easily found when you simplify life. Happiness, after some observation and reflection, seems to me to be very easily lost when life becomes complicated. I’ve noticed that when people become stressed or anxious over finances, job security, career decisions, studying for matric or the pressure of getting a degree it’s as though it becomes very a cloudy fog that blocks out sight of your interpretation of happiness and it’s in those moments that’s crucial to check in with yourself and rediscover what truly makes you happy.
I tend to get stressed out extremely easily which is a flaw of mine that I’ve recently been trying to get under check which is why I started shifting my focus from the causes of my stress to the things in life that bring me joy and it was so refreshing to discover exactly what those things were. Most of them I’ve always known but now I’ve just become more aware of them. Each person is so completely different to the next so what makes me happy might be the polar opposite of what makes you happy but that’s what keeps each individual so unique and so interesting.
On this mini path of self-discovery I’ve discovered that I’m a bit of a home body. I would previously never have described myself a home body but perhaps its the fact that my schedule these days makes time at home on my couch with an hour or two to paint my nails and do a face mask a complete luxury and a love it. A few things about being at home really make me happy. These are all going to sound bizarre but I love sorting and organising my room, arranging my wardrobe according to colour, arranging my bathroom cabinet and picking out a scented candle to suit my mood. I find a well organised and beautiful room brings me so much peace and instantly relaxes me so it’s easy to find happiness in something that’s almost effortless. Something else I’ve realised that makes me so happy and so relaxed is my love for being in the kitchen. I love to cook. I love to prepare meals that everyone enjoys. I really find it so rewarding.
When I ask where to find happiness outside of the home, I’ve rediscovered my love for yoga and a great workout. Yoga to relax my mind and body and an intense workout to increase my energy. I love the way both make me feel. I feel healthy and strong after visiting the gym both mentally and physically. It’s also a great way to set myself personal goals to work towards too not to mention the wonderful feeling of accomplishment when you reach certain milestones whether that means being able to stretch a little further or run a little bit quicker.
Something I’ve always known but lately really embraced is my creativity. That has been another discovery for the question of where to find happiness. It brings me so much happiness to crave out some time to enjoy my love for photography and music. I don’t consider myself the most creative person by any means but I do enjoy tapping into it from time to time. It also relaxes and inspires me to appreciate other people’s creativity too.
The company I keep is also greatly contributes to my happiness. My family are incredible. My friends are phenomenal. My boyfriend is amazing and his family also such a huge part of my happiness. I’ve had the same group of friends since we were children and we have been through everything together which I think is why we are so close.
I’ve realised that money, a career, the car you drive and appearances really have nothing to do with my own happiness and this is where we are all unique. These might be what make you happy and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. For me, I find that happiness is something I need to put into perspective every single day and that way I really embrace my blessings, feel at peace and become increasingly grateful for all the positives in my life. When I ask where to find happiness I always find the answer in the simplest of things and I love that fact. What makes you the happiest version of yourself?
If you’d like to read more of my “Life Hacks” series you can find tips on “How to stay positive” here and “How to be more productive” here.
Wool cape: Edit via (similar here)
Leggings: Woolworths (similar here)
Booties: Woolworths (similar here)
Hat: Spree (similar here)
Lovely outfit! & great post – I totally agree with everything you said. Finding happiness is really quite simple as long as you remember to not over think or over stress about things 🙂
I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. Thank you so much for reading, Tiffany! x
This is so gorgeous! I love it!
Lauren Elizabeth
Petite in Pearls
Thanks so much, Lauren!
I love this whole look!! Such beautiful pictures too <3
xo Raina
You’re so sweet, Raina. Thank you so much for your kind words. Have a wonderful day! xxx
nice outfit! I love your color theme!
Thank you so much, Sahara! I’m so glad to hear you love it! xxx
I love this look! You look stunning in these colors!
Mademoiselle Coconath
You’re so sweet, thank you so much!!! I’m so glad you love this look x
First of all, you look so cute in these photos. Second, who you surround yourself with can have a huge impact on your happiness or emotions in general. It’s wonderful that you have so many great friends, family, & boyfriend to be there for you. :]
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It’s so, so true. The company you keep really does have a huge impact on your emotions. Might as well make it good company. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Carmen!
This plaid coat looks amazing and really thanks for your sharing!
Thank you so much! x
I love the poncho. It looks fantastic with your outfit. And your hair looks amazing!
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Thank you so much, Jennifer! You’re so sweet. x
The colour of your outfits is awesome. Nice hat, simple is just happiness.
I’m so glad you like these colours as much as I do. I couldn’t agree more. Simple = happiness.
This is such a gorgeous outfit!!
Blonde in Cashmere
Thank you so much, Vera xxx
I agree 100% with everything you said (except yoga. I haven’t really tried it even though all of my friends are like “JESS YOU NEED YOGA”, so it’s definitely worth trying!). Thanks for sharing such a personal post. I loved everything you wrote, and I double love that outfit. The plaid is perfect!
I agree with your friends lol, Jass, you need to try yoga!!! It’s so relaxing and just as satisfying as that big stretch you take first thing in the morning. Thank you so much for reading! I’m so glad you loved this outfit xxx
Wow, that’s great that you’ve managed to stay close to your group of friends since childhood 🙂
I think the background you’ve chosen was perfect with the outfit you’re wearing and you look fabulous in the photos!
I’m like you and can had a tendency to stress about little things but have been trying to focus on changing my reaction to whatever happens in life to a more positive outlook.
I agree. I really think that mastering your reactions to stressful situations is key to a happy life. I’m so glad you love the background, I love it too! Thank you so much for such a wonderful comment. You’re really so sweet. Have a wonderful day! x
I am in love with this cape!! Love it styled with the perfect hat to match <3
Thank you so much Hayley! x
Such a beautiful post!
Thank you gorgeous!
Hey girl! I love this post!!! You truly seem more in touch with yourself, and that’s great. I’m like you, when it comes to home, when things are organized, I am much more calm and relaxed. Plus, I feel that stress can come when one is disorganized and so having everything in order can help in avoiding stress from not finding something.
I also enjoy being creative, it feels good to create something beautiful… it also feels good to surround yourself with people you love who feed positive energy into your soul.
Again, great post!
All the Cute ?
Today’s Post: Sequin Skirt
Hi Amber! Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. I know right? The moment I want into a clean and organised space I instantly feel calm and relaxed. It’s as though an organised space equals an organised life. Creative energy and positive people really do fuel the soul. Have a wonderful day! x
You look great, loving the red cape!
Tamara –
Thanks so much Tamara x
This was such a thoughtful post! I think that happiness is something that we aim towards because we always seem to have a goal in mind that makes us think that will make us happier, without realising that everything we have is already making us happy. embrace the happiness 🙂
You’re so right, Jane. It’s not a destination but rather appreciation. I’m definitely embracing the happiness. Thanks so much for reading!
Leanne your are one special young lady ??
You’re ever so sweet, Sophie. Thank you so much. What a lovely surprise to see your name pop up on my screen! I hope you are doing well. Miss you xxx
Where to find happiness? Find the Mr. right and spend the rest life with him. I like your outfit.