Hi everyone! As I’m sure everyone is well aware and super excited about, we have a lot of public holidays coming up over the next 6 weeks or so and I thought I’d shed some light on where to take a great mini vacation. I’m always looking to take advantage of these and head off […]
Roberston Wine Valley
On Saturday we headed out to the Robertson Wine Valley Festival at Kievets Kroon. This beautiful setting had me feeling like I was the closest to Cape Town I could possibly wish for at that particular moment. We were greeted by the sound of live music as we arrived and gifted a 2009 bottle of […]
Hi ladies I had the most marvellous weekend I could ever have wished for. I spent it with friends that mean the world to me chatting, sipping wine and eating great food. There were so many special memories made but I thought I would share the most picturesque with you. I went on a hike […]